So we just did our family commercial assignment in class, and everyone did really well. Though I don't recall it being mentioned in lecture, I noticed the use of music in a lot of the commercials, usually in the background, which always helps draw the viewer in and keep up the pace of the video.
Another element used by a lot of people were babies/children, which brought in the cute factor and really helped the overall success of the commercial. I know that casting my 18 month old nephew in our video helped boost our ratings significantly. :)
The last aspect of commercials I wanted to mention is humor/curiosity. I know they're different things, but I'm going to talk about them together. They're what keep me watching a lot of commercials (speaking outside our class' commercials, now), even when I know there's no way I'm going to buy their product. Honestly, some of the best commercials are about beer, but it's not like I'm watching it so I can compare beers and be an informed consumer. I'm there solely for the humor. Then, if it's a product I'm interested in, it's even better!
Yeah like in the super bowl! Especially the silly budweiser one with the guy and the horse. My goodness so many people love that one. It is such a sweet (and cheesy) commercial but a good one. haha